Remember! Your turf is like a living creature, it has to eat and drink. Water the turf carefully!
Water the turf carefully after laying (depending on weather). Repeat watering 1 – 3 times a day (depending on weather) during two weeks. It is recommended to water it in the morning 10 - 15 l/m2, and then in the afternoon and in the evening 5 - 8 l/m2. Then water the lawn as usual.
This first mowing should be done in 8 – 14 days or when the lawn reachces a height of about 7 – 8 cm. Mow the lawn oblique to the direction of turf sods. Cut the lawn for a maximum of one third of its length (eg. from 6 cm to 4 cm) otherwise your lawn will be stressed. Follow this the whole time of growing the turf. The turf should be cut once or twice a week. The cutting height should be between 2 – 4 cm.
Start fertilizing the turf in 2 - 3 weeks from laying. You should use controlled-release fertilizers, for example Garden Boom fertilizers which supply the turf with nutrients in 6 to 10 weeks. You should use a spreader when applying a fertilizer.
For more information about fertilizers, visit Ask for a annual fertilizing plan made by manager.